Stand Still In Integrity And Not Compromise, Compromise Is Killing America, Part 1

Fear and dread shall fall upon them; by the greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as a stone; till thy people passover, O LORD, till the people pass over, which thou hast purchased. Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in  the mountain of thine inheritance, in the place, O LORD, which thou hast made for thee to dwell in, in the Sanctuary, O LORD, which thy hands have established. The LORD shall reign for ever and ever. (Exodus 15:16-18)preptobattle

I know a lot of us are tired of the mess on the Hill in Washington D.C., which is mostly criminally related due to most of our politicians greed for money. I have noticed that as a Veteran and PATRIOT that served my country, as well as many others that are very tired of selfish politics. Selfish politics is destroying our country for sure right before our eyes.

It has run some good rock solid politicians into bad health and forced them to leave politics, such as Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn, which you can read about in the Washington Examiner on October 22, 2014. Senator Coburn quotes in the third paragraph: “Life is a series of trade off, and the challenges government faces are not so much about agencies obtaining more funding as about prioritizing the funds they have, according to Senator Tom Coburn’s farewell compilation of wasteful federal spending.”


When we know that we’ve a good rock solid politicians, we must get behind them one hundred percent. Gone are the days where we can sit at him and depend upon a man to straighten out our problems, we must be politically engaged in what is going on in Washington D.C.! Or what is our children’s future going to be like. God has given us a command and that is we are to pray for those in authority over us, (1st Timothy 2:1-2). We must cultivate and nurture our political leaders with prayer in order to have godliness and honesty in America and the entire world.

God would not have ever set up a government, if He thought it could not work. I truly believe Senator Tom Coburn has a relationship with Jesus Christ because he stood against todays political establishment, which you can read about in the Washington Examiner on April 20, 2015. Senator Coburn quotes in the sixth paragraph: “Tom Coburn: My advice is come home. You’re more likely to fix problems at home than you are here. Until the American people see transparently what’s going on, what we have is a charade going on in Washington.”


I have to say the man Senator Tom Coburn has integrity and I don’t what color a man’s skin is because I’m not stupid enough to argue with God’s decision for creation. If a person has the interest for people in his heart, he has my respect and vote. Going along to get along isn’t good for a politician because that type of politician has lost his was due to the love of status and money. You can read and listen to a man of integrity:


I have every God given right to feel the way I feel about the present political establishment in America, it has cost me 24 years of my life. Period. It was the Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn that stood on the floor of a Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs around March of 2014, when the original whistleblower Oliver B. Mitchell 3rd blew the whistle about his supervisors ordering him to delete Veterans name/records out of the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center database, Senator Coburn stood on the floor of that Senate hearing and made this statement, “who did Mr. Mitchell contact in Congress,” and the thing about that is Mr. Mitchell was not from Oklahoma at all. I had a member of Congress with that type of integrity and his name was Congress Lane Evans, and he was from Illnois, I was and still do live in New York State. You will that Congressman Lane Evans even considered me as his constituent in a couple of his letters:


When we sit back and expect another human being to change the present situation in America, we’re in serious trouble. Veterans are being medical murdered due to manipulation of appointment for treatment being criminally deleted out databases throughout the entire system of the Veterans Healthcare Administration, Veterans are being robbed of their compensation benefits due to the fraud and waste, and altering medical records and databases throughout the Veterans Benefits Administration.

Understand one thing, Veterans are only important to the past and some in the present political establishment, when we’re in war or going to war. When Veterans are home from war, they’re not the same persons they were before they were deployed to war due to service connected illnesses and injuries. Which some members of the political establishment seem to make a point to disregard the PATRIOTISM of Veterans. So when Veterans go to their elected political representatives, we’re easily disregarded because we can no longer service to profit the elite of government:


There have been some great men that stood in the character of integrity and spoke out against war due to the ill treatment of our countries PATRIOTS. Yes these men I believe stood in the Spirit of God courageously knowing war was not good because just maybe they knew our government would use our soldiers like dirty rags to in order to gain profits. The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr., took a stand against war. I also believe if you’re political representative of the United States of America, you should all in for making sure those that painfully served our country in war.

President Abraham Lincoln quoted: “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

I know for sure that many of us Veterans feel the following political leaderships and leaderships of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, over the years have forgotten President Abraham Lincoln’s mandate. Therefore we must take our task to heart and commit to prayer and follow with actions aimed at a complete monitoring of all of our political representatives. Holding them accountable to us, so we won’t receive responses such I did in the following link below:

We have no other choice because the future of our children is at stake.

Chauncey L. Robinson




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