And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)


Happy Veterans Day to my PATRIOT family.

Breaking News, Breaking News, Donald J. Trump has been named the 45th President of the United States of America. I hope President Trump keeps his word, which he said he would clean up the  corruption on the Hill in Washington D.C.! Strictly because he can start at both the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, where my twenty four year old presently resides.

It’s my twenty forth year of criminal abuse by the hands of senior executives in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and I’ve come to know some other PATRIOTS, which have suffered longer than I have due to the VA’s SYSTEMIC AND WILLFUL: “OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, AND GOVERNMENT SPONSORED CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT.”

One young man I’ve come to know personally and his name is Mr. Philip Cushman, who has suffered for a total of forty three years due to criminal misconduct and criminal activities by senior executives in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Mr. Cushman won a landmark case against the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs forcing U.S. Government agencies to follow the law, which a top federal appellate court ruled the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs violated the due process rights of Vietnam War Veteran in wrongfully deciding his disability case:




Even after the winning decision at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Mr. Cushman has continued to be criminally abused and deprived of his due process rights. I began researching Mr. Cushman’s case and came to the conclusion our cases had similarities, such as the use of altered medical records and TDIU issues. What you can do is review his case in the link below and my Brief of Appellant, which is presently at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims:


Through Mr. Cushman’s organization named “Vets For Due Process, I became friends with other PATRIOTS, such Jeffery A. Truman, Charles P. Mahoney, Steve Sutton, Kristen Davis and her husband Martin, Quancidine Hinson Gribble and many others that have been abused across our nation, which between each name mentioned there is a painful number of years, we have a total of around 204 between the seven of us:


Here it’s November 9, 2016 a day after America elected Don J. Trump President of the United States of America and I am wondering as I said above whether or not he will keep his word about corruption and his word to clean up the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for the PATRIOTS and Citizens of America. Strictly because I have always knew certain politicians thought negative of our nations PATRIOTS, especially when we’re the reason why they can punch a clock and perform their duties as politicians:


Mr. Cushman has  not received justice till this very day and yet he continuously stands in the gap for the PATRIOTS of America:


Here you will be able to take notice PATRIOTS are NOT always getting our buttocks kicked, we’re fighters of liberty and we WIN:




Please review PDF File 1 and then take a look at the last link, which is to my Brief of Appellant. Then let’s join together in requesting newly elected President Donald A. Trump to repeal the administrative process of the  MERIT SYSTEM PROTECTION BOARD (MSPB). Due to its enabling criminal misconduct and criminal activities by corrupt federal employees and senior executives at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.  Which affords the protection of corrupt federal employees due process rights. While they deprive PATRIOTS of their due process rights. President Trump we need a leveled and evenly balanced administrative process that will end corruption in all federal agencies. For example if you don’t want to do the above, you can save our nation a lot of monies and balance the economy by implementing Title 18 U.S.C., which would allow federal authorities to place corrupt federal employees in prison and revoke their pensions. And allow our nations PATRIOTS to receive their proper full benefits, so they can proudly contribute the economy as Citizens of the United States.

Instead of threatening to dismiss corrupt federal employees that harms PATRIOTS and WHISTLEBLOWERS via retaliation because the MERIT SYSTEM PROTECTION BOARD interferes due to their present administrative process:


Please review my Brief of Appellant dated October 27, 2016 and then review Mr. Cushman’s case in PDF FILE 1 and see the mistreatment of two PATRIOTS due to the existence of the MERIT SYSTEM PROTECTION BOARD (MSPB):



Hey let’s chat about the future of our nations PATRIOTS.

Chauncey L. Robinson





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