Deprivation of Veterans Due Process Rights, Part 4

As stated in the three parts of Deprivation of Veterans Due Process Rights, is VA’s SYSTEMIC AND WILLFUL: “OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.” Yes this exists in the system of our government.


How in the world can persons in government excommunicate our nations PATRIOTS, I will never understand. Yes this is exists in the system of our government. And it exists in my life this very day. VA’s SYSTEMIC AND WILLFUL: “OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE,” has operated against my life.

And what I’ve done about it was report it to the proper authorities as a PATRIOT and Citizen of the United States of America. But I’ve yet to get positive results. What you will be able to review for yourself is documentation and recordings that the arms responsible for rooting our corruption have in their possession, past and presently:


In the following link to a letter from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Resolution Management (ORM), which I filed a complaint about the ALTERING of the June 12, 2012 FRAUDULENT compensation and pension and its ALTERED MEDICAL EXAMINATION REPORT dated June 18, 2012.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, (ORM) referred my complaint to the Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General because they recognized the CRIMINAL ELEMENT in my (24) year old case:


Yet the VA OIG chose to turn a blind eye and become deliberately ignorant to felony crimes committed by employees in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs by falsely accusing me of requesting they adjudicate my appeal:


What is crazy is that all the time the VA OIG had in their possession two copies of my former attorneys letter dated August 25, 2012, yet they refused to investigate, September 7, 2013 and October 18, 2013:



Now you can review the beginning of the corruption by the Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA), who continuously turned a blind eye and became deliberately ignorant to felony crimes committed in a medical examination they ORDERED to be scheduled:




I informed the VA OIG of the concealing of my medical records and they again chose to turn a blind eye and deliberately become ignorant felony crimes committed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:



My former attorney Kenneth S. Beskin, an officer of the Court filed a complaint about the ALTERED MEDICAL EXAMINATION REPORT with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on September 2, 2014. Only to receive a letter with VA OIG Hotline Logging Number: 2014-31073/RP44/53E/9-12-14

Which until this very day the VA OIG has done nothing more than just continue to turn a blind eye and remain deliberately ignorant to the many felony crimes committed in my (24) year old case and also his affidavit to the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims:



Again I file another CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT COMPLAINT on September 14, 2014, which the VA OIG continued to turn a blind eye and remain deliberately ignorant to the many felony crimes committed in my (24) year old case:


As of late yesterday I’ve chosen to file an additional Complaint of Criminal Misconduct and submit new documented and recorded evidence of the ALTERING of my former attorney Kenneth S. Beskin’s letter dated August 25, 2012, which was a part of the record that the Board of Veterans Appeals, August 17, 2015. Which the (BVA) issued to me in following the CAVC ORDER. I also filed my complaint of criminal misconduct with Kevin Russell, Criminal Investigator of the New Jersey VA OIG, who is aware of case because I was referred to him by the two VA OIG Criminal Investigators that visited my home in October 2014:


On October 10, 2016 I filed a complaint for FRAUD AND CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT with the U.S. Government Accounting Office:


I myself personally feel that this is some type conspiracy being committed against the PATRIOTS of our great nation. I say this because it is getting to see but hard to understand how a nation could do this to the PATRIOTIC men and women that committed their lives to protect the borders of America, so the American political leadership could perform their duties as public servants to the American people to be able to collect a pay check.

What I’ve experienced is the same that many other Veterans and whistleblowers have, and that is deprivation of our due process rights by a procedure. That procedure is affording Veterans Affairs and other government employees protection of their due process rights by the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB). The (MSPB) does not have a right to protect criminal misconduct and criminal activities by federal workers, it’s a federal procedure that affords corrupt federal employees the right to appeal a decision made to terminate their employment.

Which allows a culture of uncontrolled, unchecked, incorrectable injustice to the Veteran because of the dictatorial power being wheeled by the Board of Veterans Appeals. This illuminates what America once was, a nation RULED BY LAW. A nation that denounced dictatorship and respected its constitution, which guarantees justice in a court of law for every citizen.

We must get the next President, Congress and Senate to amend this procedure of the (MSPB) and, Which allows Veterans Affairs and other federal employees to deprive Veterans, whistleblowers and all citizens of their due process rights. Which brings about the results you’re able to listen to in two audio recordings below:

Chauncey L. Robinson


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